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514 345-4710 1 888 235-3667
“CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation”, “Grow Beyond”, “Cachou”, “Sainte-Justine’s Tree of Lights” and the Foundation’s logo are trademarks of CHU Sainte-Justine, used under license by the Foundation.
The best way to support CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation!
Give from the heart!
Pay tribute to the memory of a loved one.
A meaningful way to recognize a significant person in your life.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible to claim up to 50% of your contribution as a charitable tax credit.
See the FAQ section for more information.
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All donations, including the first, will be charged on the 1st of each month. Note that you can stop your monthly donations at any time, with no cancellation fees.
Your generosity will have a real and lasting impact on their lives.
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Full name: {{ donationData.donation.donator.name_full }} Email: {{ }} Address: {{ donationData.donation.donator.address_full }} Phone: {{ }}
Payment method: Cheque
Cardholder: {{ donationData.donation.credit_card.holder_name }} Card: fa fa-brands fa fa-cc-visa fa fa-brands fa fa-cc-mastercard fa fa-brands fa fa-cc-amex fa fa-credit-card *{{ donationData.donation.credit_card.last_four }}
Transaction details
By providing personal information to the Foundation or its authorized representatives, you consent to the Foundation’s collection, use, and disclosure of such information in accordance with applicable law, including for the purposes of and in the manner necessary for carrying out its mission and philanthropic activities. For more information, including details about your access rights, right to rectification, and right to withdrawal of consent, please see the Foundation’s Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy.
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